Credits for Make Your Own Space Postcards is based on an original idea by James Whiting. Below are details of the images used in our free Space E-postcards.

These images are courtesy of NASA and are not subject to copyright.

A globe of the Earth showing geographic features Jupiter A NASA satellite The space shuttle taking off The NASA space shuttle The centre of the milky way

This image was created by MayaSimFan and is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.

A ringed planet and a star

These aliens were created by Stefan-Xp and are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.

A sad grey alien An angry grey alien

All of the following images were obtained from the Open Clip Art Library and are in the public domain.

A cartoon-style picture of the moon A full moon A full moon The earth The earth An extraterrestrial planet A planet The sun Rays emanating from a central point The sky full of stars The Milky Way galaxy A coloured glow in a field of stars The moon and stars in the night sky A reflector telescope The Arecibo message Sputnik satellite A rocket A rocket A rocket A cartoon-style rocket A flying rocket A flying rocket A streamlined rocket A rabbit-shaped rocket An alien in a flying saucer An alien in a flying saucer A flying saucer Space invaders A funny green alien A green alien A bright green alien A green alien A green alien A green alien A green alien A green alien An alien dude A three-eyed alien baby An alien monster A three-eyed alien A three-eyed alien An alien on springs A three-eyed alien A three-eyed alien A bright green alien face An alien duck An alien octopus An alien tree The planet Earth Mars Saturn Venus The moon A moon A globe of the Earth A globe of the earth showing the Americas A green and blue planet A planet symbol with a ring A ringed planet A ringed planet symbol A ringed planet with a moon The Sun The Sun Rays emanating from the sun A constellation A fireball in the night sky Stars in the night sky A space rocket flying through stars A child on a planet pointing at stars A flying star A weird yellow thing A fireball A meteor Warning aliens sign A sign warning of aliens A sign warning of flying saucers A giant satellite dish A giant satellite dish A satellite A spaceship A spaceship A red space rocket A rocket flying through space A cartoon-style rocket An orange rocket A child-style rocket A flying saucer A flying saucer A grey flying saucer A space invader A rocket-propelled snail A robot A cute purple alien A green blob alien An alien with a big head and tiny body An alien with a huge head An alien with a planet as its head An alien with two planet heads A green creature A three-eyed baby alien An alien with one eye A purple alien head A grey skull-like alien face An alien head mounted as a trophy

I’m very grateful to all the people who have made their images available – this website would not have been possible without their generosity.

If you have any questions, please email is Copyright © 2010-2012 Mike – All Rights Reserved